Saturday 24 October 2015


Meeting with Keira

After completing the quest Magic Lamp, Keira asks Geralt to speak with her back at her cabin when he has the time. When Geralt arrives, he finds Keira using the Magic Lamp on bones to speak to the departed owner, asking him about the rats he was meant to deliver to someone in the past when he was alive. Keira greets Geralt and tells him about the history of a nearby isle in Velen called Fyke Isle. She says that it is cursed and wants Geralt's help lifting the curse. Geralt agrees and Keira gives Geralt the Magic Lamp to see the spirits haunting there, as well as a xenovox, for Geralt to communicate with Keira while on the isle.

Fyke Isle

Geralt sails to the isle, where the tower is filled with rats. If he uses the lamp sees the shades of the peasants killed in the past and learns more about the events that transpired on the island during the massacre. One body was even fairly fresh, killed recently by an unknown foe. Geralt finds a mage's lab at the top where he was experimenting on humans. Using the lamp, he meets the ghost of the former lord's daughter, Annabelle. She told Geralt of how the mage, Alexander had been experimenting with rats, infecting them with a disease called Catriona. She tells Geralt of how the peasants came to the island looking for food, and killed everyone in the tower, but her because she drank a powerful potion that put her into a death-like slumber. When the potion began to wear-off she found herself alone in the tower, paralyzed, surrounded by rats who ate her alive. She tells him that the curse was born of hate and only love could break the curse. Geralt suggests that to break the curse, she has to forgive her love, Graham, who left her alone on the isle believing she died. She claims she ready to forgive Graham, but only if Geralt brings her bones to Graham for him to bury. Geralt can choose to agree or refuse the request.

Breaking the Curse

Bringing the Bones to Graham: Once Geralt aquires the bones, he takes them to the fisherman, Graham. Graham admits his role in allowing the peasants access to the island leading to the massacre, and not knowing his love was still alive when she drank the potion. Geralt gives her bones to Graham to bury and leaves. However, before he gets far, geralt hears a scream from Graham's cabin, and finds graham dead, surrounded by rats with his Annabelle floating over him in her true appearance as a pesta. Now that the bones are off the island, the curse is broken, but now Annabelle is free to roam the world to spread plague and she will almost ruin Kingdom of Kerack.

You receive 270 XP.

Refusing Annabelle's request: If Geralt refuses to bring Annabelle's bones to Graham, she asks Geralt to bring Graham to her. But she already doesn't trust geralt, and reveals herself as a Plague Maiden and attacks him. Geralt is able to fight her, but she can't die until the curse is broken. Keira advises Geralt to see Graham about lifting the curse. Geralt goes to Graham and informs him of the curse and Annabelle becoming a pesta, and that her forgiving Graham can break the curse, but he needs to be there to prove his love to her. They go to the island where they are attacked by wraiths of the victims of the curse, blaming Graham for their misery. They make it to the top of the tower, where the pesta waits. Graham explains he didn't mean to leave her and that he still loves her, so she asks him to prove it by kissing her. Graham kisses her, as she returns to a human form, and he dies, reunited with and, lifting the curse.

You receive 500 XP.

Return to Keira 

Once the curse is lifted, Geralt returns to Keira, explaining the situation. Before he leaves, Keira asks Geralt for one more favor.

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